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251 West Garfield Road Suite
160 Aurora, Ohio 44202
April 16, 2001
Kevin Welch
Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America
P.0. Box 9301
Reston, V A 20195
Re: Grant No.1867: Genetic Markers for Lens
Luxation in Miniature Bull Terriers
Principal Investigator: Gary Johnson, DVM,
Dear Mr. Welch:
We are pleased to forward to you the final
progress report for the above referenced grant, which your club is
This progress report has been reviewed by
our science officer, Dr. C. Richard Dorn, and has been approved. If you have
any questions regarding the progress of this research please feel free to
contact either Dr. Dorn at (614) 436-1101 or Deborah Lynch at (330)
We extend our thanks and appreciation to you
and your club members for your support of canine health.
Erika Werne
Grants Administrator |
xx |
Genetic Causes for Lens
Luxation in Miniature Bull Terriers:
Final report for Canine
Health Foundation Grant #1867
(January 31, 2001 )
Gary S. Johnson DVM PhD
Department of Veterinary Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri
209A Connaway Hall, Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-6723 Fax: 573-884-5415 Email:
The overall objective for this project is to
produce a DNA marker test that will identify carriers of lens luxation and
affected dogs prior to luxation. With this information, Miniature Bull
Terrier breeders can avoid producing additional affected dogs and
decrease the frequency of the
gene in the population. We proposed to do this through the following
specific objectives;
1. Isolate genomic DNA from members of
Miniature Bull Terrier families in which lens luxation is segregating.
2. Determine the normal nucleotide sequence
for a segment of the canine fibrillin 1 gene which includes exon 59 and
compare this sequence with corresponding sequences from DNA from Miniature
Bull Terriers with lens luxation.
3. Place canine fibrillin 1 locus on the
emerging canine genome linkage map.
4. Genotype Miniature Bull Terrier lens
luxation family members with respect to an informative canine fibrillin gene
marker and determine if the marker is genetically linked to lens luxation
Accomplishments on each of these objectives
have been as follows:
Objective 1. Isolate genomic DNA from
members of Miniature Bull Terrier families in which lens luxation is
segregating. In our preliminary work for this grant proposal we had
collected samples from 36 Miniature Bull Terriers who were members of
families where lens luxation had appeared. Three of these dogs were affected
with lens luxation. Since that time we have received additional samples, for
a current total of 78 Miniature Bull Terriers, including 8 who are affected
with lens luxation. Some of these families are shown in Figure 1.
Most of these DNA samples were purified from
EDT A blood by phenol/chloroform extraction. The DNA was ethanol
precipitated, re-dissolved in a tris/EDTA buffer, then stored frozen. This
DNA is kept as part of our collection 0! DNA samples from over 22,500
individuals, mostly dogs and cattle. The identification numbers and
phenotype information, supplied by the owners, is compiled in a computer
spreadsheet. In addition to the electronic copies of this data, all
information supplied by owners is filed by breed for future reference.
Objective 2. Determine the normal nucleotide
sequence for a segment of the canine fibrillin 1 gene which includes exon 59
and compare this sequence with corresponding sequences from DNA from
Miniature Bull Terriers with lens luxation. Because a mutation in exon 59 of
the human fibrillin gene has caused isolated lens luxation in human patients
1, we amplified and sequenced an exon 59-containing gene segment of the
canine fibrillin gene from Miniature Bull Terriers with lens luxation and
from dogs of other breeds with normal eyes. In each case we obtained
identical sequences for the exon 59-containing segment.
Objective 3. Place canine fibrillin 1 locus
on the emerging canine genome linkage map. Other segments of the fibrillin 1
gene from several dogs were amplified and sequenced. We found three
polymorphic sites and devised marker assays for each of them. The assay
developed for one of the polymorphic sites found on the fibrillin 1 gene was
used to genotype the Cornell/Ralston Purina reference families, and this
data submitted to Dr Elaine Ostrander at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Institute. The fibrillin 1 gene mapped to canine chromosome 30 between
flanking type 2 markers, CXX.204 and FH2050.
Objective 4. Genotype Miniature Bull Terrier
lens luxation family members with respect to an informative canine fibrillin
gene marker and determine if the marker is genetically linked to lens
luxation disease. All three fibrillin markers were uninformative in the
Miniature Bull Terrier families, as all family members had the same alleles.
When the marker was mapped, there were 2 highly polymorphic flanking type 2
microsatellite markers identified. These also were found to be uninformative
in the Miniature Bull Terrier pedigrees tested.
We concluded that because of intensive
inbreeding and/or a narrow base of founders, many of the alleles segregating
in most breeds were lost from Miniature Bull Terriers, and, thus, global
mapping studies would be difficult. We also noted that lens luxation
occurred in many breeds of terriers originating in the British Isles, but
not in most non-terrier breeds. This suggests that a founder mutation,
occurring before the various terrier breeds became closed registries, might
be responsible for the lens luxations in the terriers. Tibetan Terriers, a
breed unrelated to the terriers from the British Isles, appear to be an
exception. Some Tibetan Terrier breeders, however, believe that their lens
luxation problem stems from a true terrier of English origin which was
allowed into the Tibetan Terriers registry because it resembled a Tibetan
Terrier.2 If this is true, Tibetan Terriers may prove to be an ideal breed
for global mapping of the lens luxation locus.
We have therefore begun collecting DNA from
Tibetan Terriers with lens luxation and their close relatives. To date we
have 65 Tibetan Terriers in this study, including 4 affected dogs. So far,
however, none of the families are extensive enough to support genome
mapping. If lens luxation in the Tibetan Terriers does, indeed, stem from
the same founding mutation responsible for lens luxation in the true
terriers, discoveries made by studying Tibetan Terriers should be directly
applicable to lens luxation in the true terrier breeds.
In addition to the Miniature Bull Terriers
and Tibetan Terriers, we have individuals with lens luxation and partial
families in Sealyham Terriers, Bassett Hounds, and Petit Basset Griffon
Vendeens. In some of these breeds the lens luxation may be secondary to
glaucoma. Thus, we have also begun to focus on glaucoma as a primary
inherited disease and are collecting DNA from affected dogs and their close
relatives, and have submitted a pre-proposal (Molecular-Genetic Causes for
Canine Lens Luxation and Glaucoma -full proposal pending) to continue this
In the glaucoma studies we have samples from
17 Basset Hounds including 5 affected individuals, 28 Petit Basset Griffon
Vendeens including 2 affected individuals, and 46 Welsh Terriers including 6
affected individuals. In addition, we have DNA from one Welsh Springer
Spaniel with glaucoma. Mutations in three genes, myocilin,3 cytochrome P4501
B14,5 and the forkhead transcription factor gene FKHL76 have been shown to
be responsible for glaucoma in people.
In addition, mouse studies indicate that
mutations in the tyrosinase related protein 1 gene can contribute to
development of glaucoma.7 We have developed markers for the canine myocillin
gene and the canine tyrosinase related protein 1 gene and are currently
testing these markers in the Basset Hound families.
We intend to continue this expanded
investigation with the new grant, should our proposal be approved. |
(click to enlarge)
(click to enlarge) |
1. L Lonnqvist, A Child, K Kainulainen, R
Oavidson, L Puhakka, L Peltonen. A novel mutation of the fibrillin gene
causing ectopia lentis. Genomics 19(1994)573-576.
2. MB Willis, KC Barnett, MW Tempest.
Genetic aspects of lens luxation in the Tibetan Terrier. Veterinary Record
3. MF Adam, A Belmouden, P Binisti, AP
Brezin, F Valtot, A Bechetoille, JC Oascotte, B Copin, L Gomez, A Chaventre,
JF Bach, HJ Garchon. Recurrent mutations in a single exon encoding the
evolutionarily conserved olfactomedin-homology domain of TIGR in familial
open-angle glaucoma. Human Molecular Genetics 6(1997)2091-2097.
4. I Stoilov, AN Akarsu, M Sarfarazi.
Identification of three different truncating mutations in cytochrome P4501
B1 (CYP1B1)
as the principal cause of primary congenital
glaucoma (buphthalmos) in families linked to the GLC3A locus on chromosome
2p21. Human Molecular Genetics 6(1997)641-647.
5. BA Bejjani, OW Stockton, RA Lewis, KF
Tomey, OK Oueker, M Jabak, WF Astle, JR Lupski. Multiple CYP1B1 mutations
and incomplete penetrance in an inbred population segregating primary
congenital glaucoma suggest frequent de novo events and a dominant modifier
locus. Human Molecular Genetics 9(2000)367-374.
6. DY Nishimura, RE Swiderski, WLM Alward,
CC Searby, SR Patil, SR Bennet, AKB Kanis, JM Gastier, EM Stone, VC
Sheffield. The forkhead transcription factor gene FKHL7 is responsible for
glaucoma phenotypes which map to 6p25. Nature Genetics 19(1998)140-147.
7. B Chang, RS Smith, NL Hawes, MG Anderson,
A Zabaleta, O Savinova, TH Roderick, JR Heckenlively, MT Oavisson, SWM John.
Interacting loci cause severe iris atrophy and glaucoma in DBA/2J mice.
Nature Genetics 21 (1999)405-409. |
A mutation in exon 59 of the fibrillin gene
is reported to cause isolated lens luxation in people. Our goal was to
determine if a mutation in the canine fibrillin gene is the cause of the
isolated lens luxation found in Miniature Bull Terriers. We began by
sequencing a PCR-amplified segment of the canine fibrillin gene. Comparison
of the resulting sequences from different dogs revealed polymorphic sites
that served as the basis of PCR/RFLP genotyping assays. Unfortunately, only
one allele was present in all of the DNA samples from Miniature Bull
Terriers so we could not test for linkage between lens luxation and the
fibrillin gene. We therefore used one of the PCR/RFLP assays to genotype the
Cornell/Ralston Purina Reference Families and place the fibrillin marker on
the canine genome linkage map. The flanking microsatellite markers from the
canine genome linkage map were then used to genotype the Miniature Bull
Terrier DNA samples. Our Miniature Bull Terrier samples were also
monoallelic with respect to these markers so again we could not perform
linkage analysis. We next amplified and sequenced an exon 59-containing
canine- fibrillin-gene segment from normal and affected Miniature Bull
Terriers and from dogs of other breeds. Identical sequences were produced
from all samples. Thus, we unable to produce any data supporting fibrillin-gene
mutation as the cause lens luxation in Miniature Bull Terriers. On the other
hand, we were unable to totally rule out this possibility by linkage
analysis |